Sunday, July 11, 2010

Hello eLearning. Let the fun begin!

What a whirlwind...and nothing like I expected! I feel refreshed and energised knowing the endless possibilities that eLearning will bring to my future classrooms. This is real ... and it is happening now! / Concept maps - This is not only a tool that can be used successfully in all junctures within the classroom but a great tool that I will use in my planning as a learning manager. The ease and practicality that this tool provides will be a real advantage to me personally. Here is a concept map that I created with my initial thoughts and opinions on eLearning. It will be interesting to look back and reflect on this throughout my time in this course.

today5 - This has really made me rethink how I will approach my future planning as a learning manager and more specifically for my prac this term. Observing Wendy run our tutorial this week using today5 and the ease in which we followed (each at our own pace) was a real eye-opener. This is an exciting insight to how our classrooms can embrace ICTs.

Blogs - Although I have embedded blogs in my planning in the past (for university assignments) I have NEVER actually created or even written on one! I do not think I really understood what a valuable tool they are, until now. After reading and commenting on my peers' blogs I am beginning to realise how a deeper understanding of knowledge can be reached. I will continue to use class and individual blogs in my planning, but I will now build on this by incorporating peer feedback and teacher guidance.

I look forward to next week's tutorial to continue my eLearning journey!

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